
California Mission

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Had A Melt Down at "The Club" the Other Night

There is a very small infamous community in Georgia, north of Springfield, where people for generations isolated themselves from the other communities. Inbreeding began and eventually this led to noticeable physical traits such as a diminutive statue and poor eyesight. The area is known as Tiger Ridge.

Being from Savannah I have seen people from Tiger Ridge out in the malls or around town. There is no mistaking them. So I can say with clarity that I have recently found myself thrown into a community not much different from Tiger Ridge in that people have isolated themselves from other communities and are beginning to suffer from noticeable diminished mental attributes.

The phenomenon began, I believe, with people working from home or semi-retired due to the downturn in the economy. These misguided believed they were keeping in touch with the outside world by watching "fair and balanced"news, free from the liberal press. What they were watching was sensationalism no different from the evangelistic minister screaming from the pulpit that all were damned and going straight to hell unless they believed as he did....and so they began to believe. I am also a qualified expert in this area having been exposed to every religious intolerant that came through Savannah as a small child.

What I am saying is that I know Tiger Ridge when I see it!

People I would normally respect now take every social occasion to pollute the air with their negative views and intolerance for any one who is not just like them or does not belief just as they believe. These people spend their days circulating internet stories and jokes, patting themselves on the back that some how they are superior. Most of the topics they choose to discuss at cocktail parties or across the dinner table would be best whispered in the dark as a confessional bedtime prayer to God to forgive their mean-spirited thoughts and deeds towards mankind. In their opinion the less fortunate are becoming nothing but parasites bringing down the rest of civilization, demanding from those who have worked and slayed to get ahead.......the President is an evil villain/naivete'/socialist/unlearned falsified illegal (choose all that apply).

A few days ago I sent out on Facebook a positive news story, from a respectable online source, that the US has had some success in our recent handling of Middle Eastern policies. I got back a blistering reprimand that maybe I should move to a socialist country!

On the way to "The Club" for dinner, the neighbor driving told one racist joke after another putting down all but the straight, Anglo-Saxon, blue-eyed blondes. During salads I tried to bring the conversation back to reason as I don't really believe hard working Americans are being beat out by illegals for liver transplants (I swear on my sainted grandmother's grave.....this out of the mouth of a man who partnered one of the top law firms in Atlanta). By the serving of the main course, when I saw my own mate shrinking into a diminutive statue and beginning to squint his eyes, I said as softly as possible with venom dripping out of my mouth, hysteria in my voice and possibly a steak knife in my hand......"another word and I walk out of here. I will not have another dinner ruined!"

My husband says I won't be invited to any cocktail or dinner parties any time soon by his friends or our neighbors.

I ask him to swear to that on a Bible!

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