
California Mission

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lila Gives Us All a Lesson on Life's Challanges

So this past week has brought changes to my little girl and her husband.

I have witnessed my lovely daughter and handsome son-in-law move from being a young couple awaiting the birth of their first child, to parents facing scary health issues. The two of them have had to grow up fast and furious with this beautiful daughter of theirs, first having a difficult time eating and then finding out that she has a heart arrhythmia problem, which hopefully she will outgrown, but in the meantime will require monitoring and medication. They learned very quickly the fear that takes over a parent when they realize their young one is in danger. They experienced being in the Infants ICU the heartbreak other parents also have had to face with a young child. In a time when you wish only beautiful days and sleep-filled nights, they have faced some of the ugliest realities of parenthood. And they faced it together. That is the silver lining to this cloud. Both concerned over the welfare of the other.

Today they had their first lesson on how to live with a baby with a slight, temporary (we have faith) heart condition. I saw them smile up at each other while they were monitoring her heart and saw the love in their eyes, for each other and the baby they created. It was a joy to be there.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Being a Grandmother

My time has come. I am a grandmother. It was nothing I really thought about, but now that it has happened it is a great thing. I have always said I would live forever and now I have the proof that I will live on.

I have had fun in picking out a "grandparent"name. After meeting Baby Lila I announced my grandmother name would be Boss Mama.

Lila came home today from the hospital. It was a long grueling birth, 72 hours trying to induce or in labor and then all of this ending in a C-Section. But we have a beautiful baby girl who seems to have no desire to learn to nurse.

Enough of the details. Being a grandmother is going to be a great experience. Unfortunately Lila and my little family live in California and I am in Georgia. I guess the airlines will get a good chunk of my retirement money.